Neuroscience research, thoughts and behaviour patterns
The latest neurobiology research has shown a correlation between the thoughts we have, the emotions we feel, and a number of the body’s physiological functions, stress and behaviour – and even with our DNA!
Positive thoughts can lead to positive emotions. The resulting overall positivity in mind and body can lead to improved general health, enhanced immunity against infections and diseases, a greater degree of internal calm and tranquillity, and resilience against stress and negative experiences, for every individual.
The latest scientific research in Neuroplasticity shows that positive emotional states can trigger lasting changes in the structure and function of the brain.
What is Neuroplasticity about? The field of Neuroplasticity deals with the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by establishing new neural connections throughout one’s life. The human brain’s natural and amazing potential in neuroplasticity dynamics actually allows the neurons (nerve cells) of the brain to compensate for such things as injury and disease, and to adjust brain activity in reaction to new situations or changes in their environment.
This can essentially alter people’s mindsets in ways that, little by little, will transform who they are. The thoughts you have can also cause your DNA to change shape, turn on and off many DNA codes, and trigger neural, cardiovascular (heart/vessel), endocrine (hormone system) and muscular changes – in addition to changes in thought and behaviour patterns.
Do you want to learn more about this exciting new concept? Learn about this and much more in our new online PowerUP! classes coming soon. Or get a taste in our online course in Positive Psychology. Sew www.positivechange.no.com for more information.